Update: Insurance has come through! See my comment… If I had a dog, I suppose I’d lose it, next. :: sigh :: This last Sunday night, after I returned home from a quick coffee-run, some miscreant waltzed into my garage and boosted my $1,800 laptop, shown at right. In case…
Killer squirrels attack. Oh, the irony.
In a completely non-churchy, frivolous post, I had to share this with you. My head is reeling with the story, and I’m amused that a piece of “creative” fiction I wrote doesn’t seem as far-fetched as I once thought. First, the news item, via the BBC. Last Thursday, a pack…
Farewell to CTI: A retrospective, and thanks
As I have mentioned in various posts throughout this weblog, I have been a proud employee of Christianity Today International for some time now. After serving as the first webmaster for the General Council of the Assemblies of God and a brief stint as a self-employed consultant, I was invited…
Hello from the ECPA University!
Today (Tuesday, the 14th), I will be giving a presentation at the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association’s third annual “Publishing University.” This is a shout-out to anybody from the ECPA-U who’s stopped by to say hi. My assigned topic is “Technology for Editors.” But After working through several different plans of…
Del.icio.us links for October 22, 2006
These are a few of the things I’ve recently found interesting, but don’t have the time to properly blog on. I don’t necessarily like or agree with the links here, I just think they’re interesting. And just in case you do, too, enjoy. (You can view past Del.icio.us links here…
Eric Brian Golden sentenced to life. Or 14 years. Whichever comes first.
An alert reader notified me that on Tuesday, October 17, Eric Brian Golden admitted to murdering his wife, DeeDee Marie Golden late one night 11 months ago, on November 17, 2005.
If you’re new to t…
A/G Podcasts? Maybe. But meanwhile…
Found yesterday on the AG-NEWS announcement list: AG News wants to know if podcasts of sermons/messages by the local church is widespread. Take the short AG News poll and let us know! Click here to begin… I took the poll. I listen to a lot of sermons and other spoken…
On Blogging: A Challenge to Pentecostals
I want to say a few words about the power of blogging on a personal level. And I want to challenge my fellow quiet Pentecostals and Charismatics to pick up the keyboard and begin writing. Words have ConsequencesA friend on an email message group recently asked me about the effectiveness…
Jesus Camp and BlogRodent on MSNBC
At 2:40 PM (CST) on Tuesday, September 26, I “appeared” on MSNBC’s ‘Net review: The Most, with Alison Stewart. Alison’s producer spoke with Mark Moring, editor for the Christianity Today Movies channel, wondering if he’d be willing to answer a few questions about Jesus Camp on-air. Since I’d seen the…
Jesus Camp: Brainwashed in the Blood – or Is it Spin?
Jesus Camp , what an experience. Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady’s investigation into the hidden world of one Pentecostal kids’ camp simultaneously delighted me, fascinated me, and embarrassed me. I love…
Del.icio.us links for September 21, 2006
These are a few of the things I’ve recently found of interest, but don’t have the time to properly blog on. I don’t necessarily like or agree with the links here, I just think they’re interesting. And…
September 11 and a Terrible Joy
Marc, over at Spudlets , posted a reflection on 9/11 and its aftermath, now five years gone.
“At the very least, whether it s the day after or five years later, it comes down to how you have made…”
Jesus Camp review coming soon, my reaction to the trailer
This week, Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady’s indie documentary, “Jesus Camp”, is set to release, and already the blogosphere is all abuzz about it. I can’t wait. I will be catching a pre-release screening of the film through the auspices of Christianity Today International, my employer, and will write my reactions to it as soon as possible. Of course, I’ll share it with you.
Del.icio.us links for September 4, 2006
These are a few of the things I’ve recently found interesting, but don’t have the time to properly blog on. I don’t necessarily like or agree with the links here, I just think they’re interesting. And…
More PneumaBloggers
Just a very quick note to say that I’ve updated the PneumaBlogs list in recent days to include some stellar new names, including:
Christoph Fischer ( My Cup of Coffee )
David Copeland ( Re…
Del.icio.us links for August 30, 2006
These are a few of the things I’ve recently found interesting, but don’t have the time to properly blog on. I don’t necessarily like or agree with the links here, I just think they’re interesting. And…
The One Book Meme. My Response.
I keep seeing these posts where memes get passed around, where one person “tags” another as an inducement to answer a list of questions. One is presumably supposed to answer the questions, post the response, and tag a handful of others. I had been secretly glad that I’d never been…
Del.icio.us links for August 26, 2006
These are a few of the things I’ve recently found interesting, but don’t have the time to properly blog on. I don’t necessarily like or agree with the links here, I just think they’re interesting. And just in case you do, too, enjoy. (You can view past Del.icio.us links here…
AJ and his first day in kindergarten – a podcast interview
Update: I’ve added Jennifer’s account of AJ’s first day in the comments section, for the interested. Today we sent our little boy to school for the first time. Nobody wept. There was no gnashing of teeth, wailing, or sack-cloth and ashes. On our part, anyhow. Instead, we were excited to…
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Video Games: Violence In, Violence Out?
This is a repost of a recent article for CTLibrary.com. Enjoy, and please post your reactions. (For a related post, see, “Violence and Entertainment.”) Is mounting teen violence evidence of the effects of violent video games? CHRISTIANITY TODAY LIBRARY | RICHARD TATUM | JULY 31, 2006 On Tuesday, March 24,…
Using Windows Live Writer (beta)
Okay, so I’m trying out the Windows Live Writer — because I’m a sucker for new tools and I’m always on the lookout for the better (free) blogging tool. Besides, Amy at GentleWhisper made me do it. … Installation The install went okay … the second time. The installer wants to…
My FireFox on crack: the best extensions I could find.
Updated: On 9/12/06, I updated this list with my current active plugins. Because Amy over at GentleWhisper asked nicely, I hereby share with you my fabulous list of FireFox extensions I could not live without. This is my list of plugins at home … my work plugins differ a bit.…
Del.icio.us links for August 12, 2006
These are a few of the things I’ve recently found interesting, but don’t have the time to properly blog on. I don’t necessarily like or agree with the links here, I just think they’re interesting. And just in case you do, too, enjoy. (You can view past Del.icio.us links here…
Blake Bergstrom, pitched tents, and the fake FCC fine
Remember the “pitch his tents” sermon by Blake Bergstrom? No, tell me you haven’t forgotten about the youth pastor who insisted that Lot pinched his bosom … several times–and then nearly passed out from embarassment. Well, then refresh your memory over at “When sermons go awry“, first, because the followup here is…
Del.icio.us links for August 9, 2006
These are a few of the things I’ve recently found interesting, but don’t have the time to properly blog on. I don’t necessarily like or agree with the links here, I just think they’re interesting. And just in case you do, too, enjoy. (You can view past Del.icio.us links here…