Site Updates

Site Outages

I apologize for any difficulty you’ve had recently connecting to the site. This blog is hosted on a shared server at Unfortunately, when you’re on a shared box you suffer along with hundreds of other providers whenever someone gets spammed, DDOSed, or hit by a runaway process or script.…

Yet more PneumaBloggedy Goodness: PneumaWidget, Power Reader and More!

In a mad dash of creative craziness, a few more things have popped up on the PneumaBlogs tool-set. So, for your blog-reading enjoyment, here’s a quick summary of everything not covered in my previous post (“PneumaBlogs, PneumaSphere, PneumaSearch“). FireFox Search Plug-in First off, fellow PneumaBlogger Christoph Fischer (“my cup of…

Blog Flux Complete!

Okay. I’ve finally completed the transition of TatumWeb, ChurchRodent, TypeRat, and BlogRodent, and everything else off of HostedToday and now onto the exalted servers at midPhase. I was frustrated with HostedToday early on because the support staff were hired anonymous technicians one or two continents and three or four language groups away…

Pneumablog has been posted.

Hi. Here’s my current list of active Pentecostal, Charismatic and Assembly of God bloggers. I hope you enjoy it. And feel free to add to it with your comments.    PneumaBlogs: Select Pentecostal/Charismatic Bloggers Rich. [tags]assemblies-of-god, assembly-of-god, blogger, blogging, BlogRodent, charismatic, church-of-god, foursquare, god-blogger, god-blogging, godblog, godbloggers, godblogs, pentecostal, pneumablog,…

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