These are a few of the things I’ve recently found interesting, but don’t have the time to properly blog on. I don’t necessarily like or agree with the links here, I just think they’re interesting. And just in case you do, too, enjoy.
(You can view past links here or subscribe to my feed here. )
Titled “To hell and back”, from Dateline NBC. Carlton now peaches that everybody gets a free pass to Heaven–everybody. Says Pearson: “I was resentful of God. See, if you fear God the way we’re taught to fear Him, you’ll serve Him, you’ll believe in
Interesting view of self-centered Pentecostalism from a veteran Emergent: “As the mass choir (three churches) sang, I felt a stirring in my spirit, but not the same stirring of the spirit these people were singing about or any type of “stirring of the S
Nifty web service that lets you speed-read websites or copied-and-pasted text. Go there and grab the bookmarklet!
You think you have atheists nailed? Think again. See a handful of common stereotypes about atheists and read what at least one atheist actually thinks and believes.
Junior Stowers raised his hands and exclaimed, “Thank you, Jesus!” in court last month when he was acquitted by a jury of abusing his son. But his joy was short-lived when Circuit Judge Patrick Border held him in contempt of court for the “outburst?
Ravi Zacharias defends Christianity using the narrative of his life.
By Ravi Zacharias “Zacharias invites readers to follow him on this journey through his life and into the lives of others, and see how he has become more convinced with each year that Jesus Christ is the one who came to give us life to the fullest and to p
[tags]BlogRodent, apologetics, assemblies-of-god, assembly-of-god, atheism, atheist, belief, biography, book-review, books, carlton-d-pearson, carlton-pearson, charismatic, christianity, court, critique, dateline-nbc, debate, Emergent-Church, EmergentChurch, Evangelical, faith, god, heaven, hell, heresy, illegal, lifehacks, mythis, narrative, outrageous, pentecostal, pentecostalism, persecution, postmodern, productivity, rationale, ravi-zacharias, reading, reason, religion, speed, speed-reading, stereotypes, tools, universalism, web-services, weird-news, worship, ZapReader[/tags]