Yet more PneumaBloggedy Goodness: PneumaWidget, Power Reader and More!

Yet more PneumaBloggedy Goodness: PneumaWidget, Power Reader and More!

I'm a PneumaBlogger!In a mad dash of creative craziness, a few more things have popped up on the PneumaBlogs tool-set. So, for your blog-reading enjoyment, here’s a quick summary of everything not covered in my previous post (“PneumaBlogs, PneumaSphere, PneumaSearch“).

FireFox Search Plug-in

First off, fellow PneumaBlogger Christoph Fischer (“my cup of coffee“) saw that I’d created a Google Co-Op tool to search within the entire set of PneumaBloggers (PneumaSearch) and he went off and quickly fabricated a PneumaSearch MyCroft extension for the FireFox search bar. What this means is that if you use FireFox and if you use the built-in FireFox search bar, you can quickly add a tool to your search box that will allow you to search only within the PneumaBlogs universe of bloggers.

Thanks Chris!

Squidoo alternate for PneumaBloggers

PneumaBlogs on SquidooIn hopes of driving yet more traffic to your sites, I’ve set up a Squidoo Lens for PneumaBloggers. It’s simple, straightforward, and never needs updating since it’s plugged into my auto-generated list of bloggers, and will get updated every time I update this site here. If, for some reason, you’d rather point folks to Squidoo for the list rather than here, feel free.


PneumaBloggers OPMLIf you want to add all the current PneumaBloggers into your favorite feed-reader so you can track them all yourself, I now offer a fresh OPML file every time I update the site. Feel free to download the pneumablogs.opml here, then import it into your offline feed reader, Bloglines, Netvibes, Google Reader, or whatever. Just note, however, that you won’t necessarily know who the latest additions to the list are say, six months from now. (I have added a “Modified” date to the description field if you want to look to see who’s new or who’s changed.)

However, you could also subscribe to my RSS feed for the PneumaBloggers list so you’ll know when a new one has been added…

Update: You can also display the bloggers and their feeds by using the new SpringWidget OPML viewer, see below.

PneumaBlogs RSS Feed

PneumaBlogs: RSS List of Bloggers

This is not a feed of all the latest PneumaBlogs post (for that, see below), rather, it’s an RSS feed of just PneumaBloggers. That’s it. It’s every blogger from my PneumaBlogs page in a single RSS feed that you can load up in your feed reader. Then (if everything works properly), whenever a new blogger gets added to the feed, your feed reader will download the freshest item, and Et Voilà! You’ll know there’s someone new to subscribe to.

This is also a handy way to show my constantly updated list of bloggers in your blog, if you know how to display the results of RSS feeds in your template. Sorry, though, that’s too much to go into right now (maybe a future post). Check your blogging software’s features, though, there’s generally a pretty easy way to display RSS feeds in your sidebar.

Update: You can also display the bloggers and their feeds by using the new SpringWidget OPML viewer, see below.

PneumaSphere Re-Feed

PneumaSphere Re-Feed

Some of you might want to pick and choose who you subscribe to, and that’s fine. That’s why I display all the RSS feed URLs of every blogger on the PneumaBlogs page. However, some of you might want to the whole enchilada to show up in your favorite feed reader, so to do that, I’m providing a special feed here, just for you. It’s based of of my constantly updated list of bloggers, so it’ll always have the latest stuff there (I drop cat-bloggers, many boss-bloggers, and eventually, those who fail to update their website within the last several months). Just point your feed reader here and start drinking from the fire-hose!

PneumaSphere Power Viewer

And if you aren’t satisfied with checking out the last 50-60 posts featured on my PneumaSphere river-of-news page, but you aren’t totally committed to subscribing to the massive re-feed, and you don’t want to go through the trouble of picking and choosing which blogger to follow along with in your reader, then try this beautiful solution: Bookmark my PneumaSphere Power Viewer.

This is a great way to dip into the river-of-news without missing a beat. You can also search the most recent posts, you can view a “tag cloud” of the most popular subject items, and you can browse by date or by author. This is a nice addition to the PneumaBlogs arsenal, and like everything else, it’s kept constantly up-to-date.

The PneumaSphere Widget —On Your Site Now!

If you’d like to host a little river-of-news applet on your website, or even on your desktop, check out the PneumaSphere widget provided by SpringWidgets, below. You can customize it to your liking, here, and stick it just about anywhere that accepts HTML code. Or, as I mentioned, you can just download the widget and run it off your desktop. Very cool.

Or you can grab the code I use to display the above widget:


Put All the PneumaBloggers and their Feeds on your site!

I was alerted to the possibility of pointing a SpringWidget at my OPML file by Don Synstelein from SpringWidget after posting this entry. So, I tried it out, and it works nicely. See for yourself:

And now you, too, can put this widget anywhere in your blog you’d like or you can download the widget and stick it on your desktop. No more futzing around with Feed Readers or keeping up with my jones! Just grab the code:


New PneumaBlogger Button

I'm a PneumaBlogger!Finally, if you aren’t happy with the tiny little PneumaBlogger badge which, really, doesn’t have much going for it design-wise, you might be more inclined to proudly display your PneumaBloggyness by displaying the fired up square badge, shown here. Either way, visit the PneumaButton post to grab the images and the HTML code for displaying the badge in your sidebar.

Hopefully, that’ll be it for a while. After several weeks of redesign fall-out and blog-tweaking, the PneumaBlogs stuff was the last to get overhauled because there was a lot I had to re-organize. Hopefully, this will be easier to maintain from here on out.




[tags]aggregator, BlogRodent, Charismatic, Charismatic-Bloggers, mysyndicaat, online-aggregator, opml, Pentecostal, Pentecostal-Bloggers, PneumaBlogs, PneumaSearch, PneumaSphere, re-feed, refeed, river-of-news, rss, SpringWidget, SpringWidgets, tools[/tags]

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