The Sharpe Logs

Kathi: Hey Rich!!!! How are you? How's your wife? Any baby yet???

Rich Tatum: No kid on the scene yet!
Rich Tatum: She's home. napping.
Rich Tatum: I'm working still.
Rich Tatum: Doc isn't worried.
Rich Tatum: Everything seems fine, and he's just jumping around like a gymnast in there.

Kathi: As she should be!!!
Has she started manically cleaning house yet?

Rich Tatum: Yeah, and she's trying to get me involved.
Rich Tatum: :-(

Kathi: ROFL then that kid will come any day now!

Rich Tatum: But, the mania only seems to strike when I get home from work.
Rich Tatum: Somehow the sight of my lazy butt compels her to want to clean the house.

Kathi: method to madness ….

Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: Figures.

Kathi: I scrubbed the walls and ceiling two days before I had Katie. With Bobby, I was on my hands and knees scrubbing floors, cleaning out cupboards, and meticulously folding baby clothes.

Rich Tatum: Yeah, that's the funny thing. It's not like she wants to do things that really matter — like reorganizing my bookshelves (grin). She wants to do stuff that no toddler will ever notice much less write a complaining editorial to Better Homes & Gardens about.
Rich Tatum: :: sigh ::
Rich Tatum: She wanted to power wash the outside of the apartment the other day.

Kathi: :::grin:::
Consider for a moment. Aren't you glad that YOU can't get pregnant?

Rich Tatum: But then she remembered that it was 16 below zero with the windchill.
Rich Tatum: Ain't that the truth.

Kathi: :::choke::::
truly, you need to move south.

Rich Tatum: :-)

Kathi: It's 65 degrees today.

Kathi: I'm going out in a little while, to sit in the sun.

Rich Tatum: We moved souther from where we were three months ago. But we lost the lake effect from Lake Michigan. We're further south from Chicago now and it's heinously cold where we're at.

Kathi: Even though I was born there, and spent 26 years there, I still wonder why anyone would live north of the mason-Dixon line. I'm not sure I even want to go up north to VISIT. <g>

Rich Tatum: :-)

Kathi: I have a question … do you have time to answer it? If you're busy, it'll keep a while … :-)

Rich Tatum: Depends on the question!
Rich Tatum: What's up?

Kathi: <g> It's about speaking in tongues … or rather, praying …

Rich Tatum: Oke …

Kathi: A couple months ago (I think I told you about this), I was walking the dog and praying about something that I didn't quite know how to pray about, and all of a sudden I started praying in tongues. It was just a few sentences, but it was incredible.

Rich Tatum: I remember you told me when it happened, but not how.
Rich Tatum: But, go on …

Kathi: A couple times after that, I had similar experiences … I'd be praying and I'd kind of switch between english and something else and then back. But since then, I've been completely unable to … consciously or unconsciously.

Kathi: I never prayed more than a couple of sentences that way. Now I can't at all. I really feel like I'm supposed to, sometimes … that God wants me to … but I feel like something is blocking me. Any suggestions?

Rich Tatum: Hmm …
Rich Tatum: (That's the required introduction to a Tatumian rumination.)
Rich Tatum: I repeat: Hmm ….

Kathi: LOLOL

Rich Tatum: I wouldn't worry about it.

Kathi: I actually have a suspicion, because the last time I felt the hmmm impulse, for lack of a better word, was during church, like I was supposed to speak publicly, and I didn't (I was quite terrified <g>)

Rich Tatum: Worship and prayer involve a certain "lostness"--being lost in God and his presence. When you start thinking about the process you lose that sense of immersion and land back in reality with a thunk.
Rich Tatum: And, here's the old saw: analyses leads to paralyses.
Rich Tatum: You're not required to speak or to pray in tongues, after all.

Kathi: <sigh> yeah, I know, but I'm cursed with being analytical (some would use a much less polite word)

Kathi: I know.

Rich Tatum: And, remember, there are two kinds of tongues we're talking about here:

1) tongues for personal prayer/praise/intercession (private)

2) tongues for corporate prayer/praise (public)

Rich Tatum: There's biblical evidence that the purposes for the two are different.

Kathi: But I feel like I'm supposed to. I've prayed and prayed about it, and I just feel like I'm running into a literal brick wall. Probably of my own making.
I know they're different …

Rich Tatum: If you do or don't feel a compulsion to speak in tongues privately, don't worry. Remember that tongues are a sign. What happens when you're driving down the road and you're looking for the Wazzoo exit? You look for the sign. Once you've passed the sign, it's served it's primary purpose.
Rich Tatum: Now, you may go on seeing that sign time after time, in fact, a happy Wazzoo mayor just may adorn your neck with that sign on a loopy necklace.
Rich Tatum: But don't get hung up on the sign itself.
Rich Tatum: In private, when we're interceding, the Spirit intercedes for us "with groans that cannot be uttered." That might be tongues, it might be nothing more than groaning or wailing.
Rich Tatum: I just wouldn't worry. You don't have to pray in tongues in private, it's optional, and completely peripheral to the prayer that Paul says is more important --and that's praying with understanding.
Rich Tatum: As for publicly, like Paul says, seek to say an intelligible word more than tongues.
Rich Tatum: If you feel compelled to speak in tongues, speak forth.
Rich Tatum: But also remember Paul's admonition in Romans 12 … don't do anything out of doubt.
Rich Tatum: Wait until you have certainty before you give a tongue or an interpretation or a word of prophecy in a literal language.

Kathi: hmmm I've had the wailing happen, tho I'm not sure that was the Spirit … last week was a rough week.
I just can't shake the feeling that I'm supposed to … does that make sense?

Rich Tatum: Yes, it does.
Rich Tatum: Especially when apparently "mature" and spiritual Pentecostals are doing it all over the place.
Rich Tatum: Be sure to Read 1 Cor. 13-15 carefully. It'll give you a good balanced view of the subject.
Rich Tatum: Paul very clearly says that public tongues is secondary to intelligible language in public.

Kathi: I had the prophecy thing happen in church, too … I wasn't sure if it was for me, or to speak out, so I didn't. It was certainly applicable to me. :::sigh::: but I've felt guilty ever since.

Rich Tatum: The guilt not good. Let it go.
Rich Tatum: Don't act on doubt.
Rich Tatum: Paul says whatever you do in doubt is not faith, and it might as well be a sin.

Kathi: It scared the out of me … I was sitting there, minding my own business, and all of a sudden this completely formed thought is in my head …
I wonder if fear isn't what is holding me back. Because that kind of thing isn't foreign to my past experience (tongues are, but being "spoken to" isn't) … and I was so hurt by it …

Rich Tatum: Wait until you're certain God is compelling you to speak.
Rich Tatum: Don't take the task lightly … God will honor you for that.
Rich Tatum: I've only ever spoken up once in church like that, and it was an interpretation to a tongue. That's it. Just once, but I'm certain that I'm doing what God expects of me.
Rich Tatum: Doubt is okay. You've got a long walk ahead of you as you mature. God is patiently bringing you along the path.
Rich Tatum: Every spirit must be tested, so here's my advice.

Kathi: How can you be certain, though?

Rich Tatum: The next time you feel this urge …
Rich Tatum: Take out a pad and paper and write out the completely formed thought you have.
Rich Tatum: Then take it to the pastor and ask him to prayerfully evaluate it and, if appropriate, to share it with the church at the next service.
Rich Tatum: God doesn't have to work on a "last minute" basis.
Rich Tatum: God knows what's going to happen in the next service — so he can just as easily give you a "word" a service in advance.
Rich Tatum: For one thing, nothing you ever say should ever be unbiblical in any way.

Kathi: I did write it down.
I'm 100% sure that what I got, came from God … intellectually I know that nothing from God can hurt me. I've been over and over the verse about good gifts …

Rich Tatum: And, read 1 Cor. 12-15 carefully to see what the content of interpretations and prophecies should be---
Rich Tatum: Paul makes it clear that the purpose of the interpretation and all prophecies are for corporate edification. If it's not edifying don't speak.
Rich Tatum: And it's also clear from the context that the interpretation to a tongue will most likely be a prayer or a praise directed to God.

Kathi: ::::nodding::::

Rich Tatum: Some pastors will disagree with me on the last point, though, because they view the interpretation of tongues their the filter of their experience — which tells them that because people have given interpretations that were prophetic, then it's okay to do it that way all the time.
Rich Tatum: But, biblically, I can only say that Paul and the record in Acts make it clear that tongues are invariably language directed to God, inspired by the Spirit. Any interpretation offered for a public tongue should follow suit.
Rich Tatum: And, for goodness sake, don't pray (loudly) in tongues publicly unless you know there will be an interpretation.
Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: Which basically means, unless you know there's someone present who has been used by God to give biblically accurate interpretations of Tongues in the past.

Kathi: I know … I've seen the gifts in operation in church … Calvary is (I guess) pretty conservative. The pastor is very adamant about there always being an interpretation, etc … I also saw the chaos that ensues when there's not, while visiting another church.

Rich Tatum: Yeah. That's what Paul deals with in 1 Corinthians. The Corinthian church was like a bunch of Wiccans who converted but who still had many of their old practices ingrained in their theology.
Rich Tatum: Paul wrote to correct that.
Rich Tatum: Does this help you?

Kathi: good analogy. :-)
I think I'm afraid of two things … one, that people will think I'm weird or something, and two (this is harder to articulate) that things like that can't be trusted … I guess because I've always heard and "known" things that weren't of God … if I

Kathi: hear/know/speak things, how do I know they're from God? And there's a huge trust issue going on there, that I wasn't aware of until we got here in this conversation …

:::shaking head:::

Rich Tatum: Well, I can't encourage you enough to submit to your pastor's judgment in this regard. Write it down and give to him to share with the congregation if he deems it appropriate. Ask him to share it "anonymously" if he does share it, and stress that this came to you in worship.
Rich Tatum: Trust of whom? Trusting your own intuition, trusting your emotions over the matter, or trusting your pastor's judgment?

Kathi: I'll talk to him about it. I would have before, but his wife was very, very shortly after this (she got pancreatitis) and he was 95% gone for a long time.

Rich Tatum: Remember, God only compels us to speak publicly for a purpose. And if every word that comes out of your mouth is in accord with Scripture, and if every word edifies the body, nobody will think you're weird.
Rich Tatum: Unless your style of delivery is off the wall … but that's another matter!
Rich Tatum: very shortly?
Rich Tatum: very sick shortly after this?
Rich Tatum: I understand.

Kathi: All of the above, but more so trusting God. I've been hurt so much … I just can't let go …
Intellectually, I know all of this … it's a heart thing.
Yes, very shortly after this … sorry.

Kathi: I didn't even realize that I was still struggling with this, until now. How on earth do you get past it?

Rich Tatum: Time.
Rich Tatum: You've just been divorced. You're still working through the aftermath.
Rich Tatum: God, as your new groom, is patient with you.
Rich Tatum: He understands.
Rich Tatum: And I mean divorced in the deeper, spiritual sense.

Kathi: I know. It's a good analogy. But after all that's happened to me since last summer, you'd think this would be a lot easier!!

Rich Tatum: God honored Gideon's fleece. In a sense view your pastor as a sort of fleece, or safety valve, or thermometer. God honored Gideon in his disobedience, I don't see why he wouldn't honor your obedience.
Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: No, God will constantly turn over fresh soil in the garden of your heart. You'll always be surprised at what turns up.
Rich Tatum: And the precession of life's winters following life's summers will constantly bring boulders, stones, and pebbles to the top that you never suspected were lying buried deep underground.
Rich Tatum: Every farmer knows this, and curses it, because it costs plough blades every spring! :-)
Rich Tatum: It's amazing how many rocks a mature field brings to the top every spring.

Kathi: Does it ever get easier?
Yeah, I know … I grew up on a potato farm in New Hampshire … we joked every spring that Grandpa planted rocks in the fall …

Rich Tatum: Yeah, it gets easier to spot the rocks.
Rich Tatum: But as life goes on the rocks come from deeper inside — and it's not always more pleasant.
Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: The joy grows deeper every year.
Rich Tatum: I see this in my relationship with my wife. We're not done learning each others foibles and strengths. But each year we love each other more deeply and each year it's worth it even more to work through whatever comes up.

Kathi: I think this one's coming from the depths. And big. And I'm scared, and I couldn't begin to tell you exactly why.

Rich Tatum: The fear is probably not from God. :-)
Rich Tatum: It's your flesh, resisting yielding to God.
Rich Tatum: That's my guess, anyhow.
Rich Tatum: And it's natural.

Kathi: Is it?

Rich Tatum: But just because it's natural doesn't mean you should give in to it.
Rich Tatum: Nor should you deny it.
Rich Tatum: A tightrope walker doesn't deny his fear, he installs a net.
Rich Tatum: Until practice tempers the fear with the skill born of experience.

Kathi: I wish there was an instant cure …

Rich Tatum: Paul described, in Romans 12, true worship.
Rich Tatum: He says it's a fully involved act.
Rich Tatum: It involves your mind as well as your whole being.
Rich Tatum: And the metaphor he chose to describe worship is that we are to be a "living sacrifice."
Rich Tatum: Can you imagine anything more frightening than to be tied to an altar — alive — to be sacrificed in worship to God?
Rich Tatum: This is what's happening to your flesh every day that you walk in communion with God. You're denying the flesh, sacrificing your desires, wants, and thoughts to God.
Rich Tatum: That's how you worship him.
Rich Tatum: And it's not easy. And it generates fear.

Kathi: hmmmm actually, I can think of several things far more frightening than that. :-(

Kathi: But I get your point …

Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: Better than asking if it gets any easier is asking whether your skill improves and your fear diminishes.

Kathi: good point!

Rich Tatum: Walking in faith takes practice.
Rich Tatum: Read Phil 2 …

Kathi: :::reading:::

Rich Tatum: "Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus …. (referring to humility) … and work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God
Rich Tatum: "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also
to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as
that of Christ Jesus (referring to humility) … Therefore, my
dear friends, as you have always obeyed — not only in my
presence, but now much more in my absence — continue to work out
your salvation with fear and trembling , for it is God who works
in you to will and to act according to his good purpose
. "

Rich Tatum: (Emphasis added … )

Kathi: I guess it's the good purpose part that is the sticking point. <sigh> Intellectually, I know … but.

Rich Tatum: But, there's a promise embedded there …
Rich Tatum: It is God who does the work.
Rich Tatum: Not you.
Rich Tatum: God works in you to create the will and actions necessary.
Rich Tatum: Not that he treats you like a marionette, but as you pray and read the scriptures your mind becomes more like God's (Let this mind be in you.)
Rich Tatum: See also Romans 12 … being transformed by the renewing of your mind so you can know the pleasing will of God.
Rich Tatum: Your harmony with God produces a harmony of life that eliminates the fear that initially surrounds "working out" (or practicing) your salvation.

Kathi: ::::nodding:::: I know.

Rich Tatum: Don't forget the coda to this, in Phillippians 4:

"The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in
everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present
your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ

Rich Tatum: Peace is the antidote to fear.

Kathi: The problem is, all my life I've been told that things are good or right, and I've trusted in those things, and they haven't been good, or right. I know in my mind that these experiences don't apply to God. I know that He's all good, always. I know in my mind that He wouldn't hurt me, or have me do anything harmful. I even know in my heart, all the good things that He's done for me. But that doesn't seem to stop me from wondering about the "always" part. That's been the un-named wall all this time, I just

Kathi: haven't been seeing it, naming it.

Kathi: And I know you're going to quote me a bunch of scriptures, but I can probably tell you what all of them are before you do. :-)

Rich Tatum: Not sure I understand what you mean, though.
Rich Tatum: Well, I try not to quote scriptures to prove points for you, but to encourage you to see the support you need in the Bible.
Rich Tatum: :-)

Kathi: I know, I'm not complaining :-)

Rich Tatum: Hope I don't beat you about the head and shoulders with a whopping Bible too much, do I?
Rich Tatum: I also want to assure you that I try not to recommend anything without Biblical support. And to help you come to expect that from anyone who tries to give you advice. :-)

Kathi: No, you don't … what I was saying is that I've already read it. And I never take anything that anyone says without referring to the Bible about it, not you, or Don, or my pastor, or anyone else.

Rich Tatum: For certain, being a Christian doesn't insulate you from future pain and misery.
Rich Tatum: Your salvation isn't a prophylactic against any patterns of thought and behavior from the past or present either in yourself or by others.

Kathi: Here's what I'm saying … and forgive me if this is graphic … but it's like I was raped over and over again, throughout my life, and learning to trust again is nearly impossible. Does that make any sense?

Rich Tatum: And life still does bring random pain to people, Christian or otherwise.
Rich Tatum: Oh, yes.
Rich Tatum: That's specifically why I chose the divorce metaphor, earlier.
Rich Tatum: Only, I should have stressed, "divorced from an abusive husband."

Kathi: yeah, I know … I got pain last week. Did I talk to you about my friends that I was trying to talk to? They've disowned me, after Rachel read me the pagan riot act. Called me a fundie, too. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry, over that one …

Kathi: :::nodding:::

Rich Tatum: You were previously spiritually married to an abusive husband who pimped your soul out to every lascivious spirit that wanted to possess your will and desires. (I'm not saying you were sexually active, I'm saying your previous world view was not discriminatory in its fidelity.)
Rich Tatum: You told me you were talking with a male pagan and he told you not to pray for him. But that was a couple weeks ago.
Rich Tatum: So, in light of my expanded metaphor, above, when I reflect on your journey of growth and healing, it's certainly no surprise that trust issues are still coming to the fore.

Kathi: I know what you mean … there's a good website ( that speaks of "spiritual adultery" in the same kind of manner.
Yeah, it ended last week … he really cornered me and demanded a yes/no answer to whether I was praying or not, and if it would continue. So I told him the truth, and his wife screeched and ranted, called me a faithless !@#$@!$@and mused that perhaps she should have done something about it before now (not sure what she meant by that, but I'm certain it's not pleasant)

Rich Tatum: I suspect they will for quite some time, and the areas where trust will "crop up" (to reference yet another metaphor in this free-ranging chat) will be surprising to both you and your loved ones.
Rich Tatum: Huh.
Rich Tatum: These Wiccans are a weird lot.

Kathi: They're actually not Wiccan, they're tameran … Egyptian path, far darker and with much less fluffy-bunny ethical standards to worry about.

Rich Tatum: LOL.
Rich Tatum: :: shaking my head ::
Rich Tatum: Isn't a tamarind a kind of date?
Rich Tatum: They'r figgy?
Rich Tatum: Fruity?

Kathi: <giggle> yes, they certainly are.

Rich Tatum: I'll never keep these Old World religions straight.

Kathi: So, I'm probably well-cursed by now … :-)

Rich Tatum: Ah, well.
Rich Tatum: :: shrug ::
Rich Tatum: Consequences be damned. You serve God.
Rich Tatum: If the Devil's minions send their forces after you, you'll take your stand, and your family, and God will give strength.

Kathi: What killed me, and I still find amusing, is that Mike actually admitted that God could and would answer my prayers …

Rich Tatum: And whatever befalls you, he will see you through.
Rich Tatum: If you stand with him.
Rich Tatum: Ironic.

Kathi: I'm not worried a bit about whatever they think they can do to me … in that area, at least, I seem to have unwavering trust in God. Which is a good thing. :-)

Kathi: I know …

Kathi: hmmmm can you get to the AG website?

Rich Tatum: Yes.
Rich Tatum:

Kathi: hmmm I can get there with AOL's browser, but not IE outside of AOL. :::kicks computer:::

Rich Tatum: Sounds like with AOL you're getting the networked Cache from AOL's cache servers.
Rich Tatum: Outside of AOL you're accessing IE's cache or, barring that, the actual website.
Rich Tatum: And if you're having any network difficulties you're SOL.
Rich Tatum: :-)

Kathi: true … but … I'm using AOL to get online … shouldn't that send IE, even outside of the AOL program, to AOL's cache?

Rich Tatum: No.
Rich Tatum: Only the AOL browser hit's the AOL server cache.
Rich Tatum: Outside of the AOL interface you're bypassing their server caches and relying on network topology and the remote web sites for content.
Rich Tatum: The proof of this is in the images you get served up;.

Kathi: ahhhh. I think. <g>

Rich Tatum: The images stored in AOLs server caches are compressed even further, with lossy compression. You can frequently see image artifacts.

Kathi: But why can't I get to the site? I can get everywhere else fine? But since yesterday I haven't been able to get there.

Rich Tatum: You get these images when using the internal browser, but not with external browsers.
Rich Tatum: This, despite the fact that AOL uses IE's browser interface in both cases.
Rich Tatum: Depends on network "weather" between AOL's gateway and you.

Kathi: <groans> if that's the case, I'm probably doomed. <g>

Rich Tatum: A good test of whether a site is up or not when you can't get to it is to use a proxy outside of your network.

Kathi: how do you do that?

Rich Tatum: A quick and dirty test is to have Babelfish translate it.
Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: if it can pull it down and translate it, it's live.
Rich Tatum:
Rich Tatum: Then plug in the URL.

Kathi: I wonder if I can teach myself spanish this way?

Rich Tatum: Or you can URLize it, like this:
Rich Tatum:
Rich Tatum: You'll learn a nasty version of Spanish that way!

Kathi: I really need to learn it, but haven't motivated myself yet to get to the library and get the tapes.

Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: Also, try:

Kathi: <grins> I've read about this thing … isn't it what people use to visit not-so-nice sites without being detected? Actually, I think I used one once, for Healant, to check on a competitor anonymously. Don't think it was this, though.

Rich Tatum: Yeah, stuff like that.
Rich Tatum: But AOL effectively anonymizes you, for that matter.

Kathi: true.

Rich Tatum: Proxy surfers are slow, and for the paranoid. But i use them to diagnose Internet "weather."

Kathi: I bookmarked it, so I can do this again if I need to. Also has good tools, like file extension lookup.

Rich Tatum: Yes.
Rich Tatum: Also see

Kathi: :::blinks::: RodentNet?

Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: My initials.
Rich Tatum: Richard Alan Tatum.

Kathi: There's some WAY cool stuff on here.
Yeah, but …. :::shakes head::: :P

Rich Tatum: Things keep breaking on that page.
Rich Tatum: It's hard to stay on top of it.

Kathi: pc world bandwidth tester is broke at the moment.

Rich Tatum: Crud.
Rich Tatum: Wanna see my personal start page?

Kathi: sure!

Rich Tatum: Hang on …
Rich Tatum: Gotta fix it first …
Rich Tatum: It's disorienting, but this is what greets me every time I log on.
Rich Tatum: Whether from home, work, or abroad.
Rich Tatum:

Kathi: disorienting? Oh my

Rich Tatum: Chockabloc full of my must useful links.
Rich Tatum: I don't like "Bookmarks."

Kathi: you weren't kidding!!

Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: I feel lost without that start page.
Rich Tatum: Everything I need is available right there.

Kathi: I've thought about doing one of these a number of times, but never got around to it. Basic laziness. But I grumble every time I'm not at home and need something.

Rich Tatum: Once I got it laid out and started, keeping it maintained is not a problem.
Rich Tatum: I have to add or delete a link now and then, but getting the left hand tools set up was probably the most time consuming aspect.
Rich Tatum: Be sure to catch the kitties at the bottom.
Rich Tatum: Click on the images.

Kathi: I hadn't got that far yet …

Kathi: these are your cats? I hadn't pegged you as a cat person.

Kathi: Um. What is a blog?

Rich Tatum: The cats are inherited.
Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: But, I'm a photographer, and they're a natural subject, so …

Kathi: uh-huh. So are you a cat person or not?

Rich Tatum: A 'blog is short for a "Weblog." Sort of a web diary.
Rich Tatum: Well ….
Rich Tatum: Um ….

Kathi: I should scan the picture I have of one of my cats … you'll love it.

Rich Tatum: I love the animals we have.

Kathi: He drinks from the kitchen faucet. Refuses a bowl.

Rich Tatum: I would never have gotten a cat in the first place, though. And I'm not sure I'd encourage Jennifer to replace them, but I did encourage her to get them when she was single.
Rich Tatum: I love all pets, really.
Rich Tatum: I'm just not a hair and litter person.
Rich Tatum: Really, if I could eliminate the waste and litter, I'd be enthusiastic.
Rich Tatum: Our cats love the sink, too.
Rich Tatum: Both are rescued from the street.

Kathi: Hmmm. You must like fish.

Rich Tatum: Nope.
Rich Tatum: I like interaction with my pets.
Rich Tatum: I just hate litter.
Rich Tatum: I prefer dogs. Big dogs.
Rich Tatum: And i prefer them while living in a big house in the country where I can give them their own yard to run and crap in.
Rich Tatum: :-)

Kathi: We've got 3 cats: Ken's, rescued just prior to going to the pound (a monstrous Siamese), Mine, a skinny tiger girl who I rescued from a dope-smoking grandma, and Bobby's, who Ken grudgingly and sweetly fed one day after making us all promise to ignore that ugly stray on our porch. <g>

Rich Tatum: But I don't have a big house, I don't live in the country, the only yard around is the one owned by the apt. complex, and there are no dogs in my life.
Rich Tatum: :-)

Kathi: Me too … I want a mastiff … Ken would NEVER let me. Our dog is about twice the size of the cats, which is good for our tiny house!

Kathi: we've got a rabbit, too, unfortunately …

Rich Tatum: Yeah, we took in a stray once, named him Atlas. I didn't mind taking him in, but it was under the condition that we find him a home. We got him his shots and neutered him, then gave him away.
Rich Tatum: I'd love a Wiemaraner.
Rich Tatum: But I am fond toward almost any big dog.
Rich Tatum: I was surrounded by dobermans and rottweilers growing up.
Rich Tatum: (Now, don't turn that into a joke.)

Kathi: We all keep reminding Ken that Bobby's cat is all his fault. The poor thing has some bad habits from his time on the street, like viciously attacking anything that looks like food and growling off to a corner with it. He also screams instead of meowing. But Bobby loves him, so …

Kathi: It never occurred to me to.


Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: Out littlest one, the black one, is constantly capturing socks and drowning them in the water bowl.

Kathi: ROFL!

Rich Tatum: She's neurotic and will chase shadows all day long.
Rich Tatum: Every morning there's a new sock in the bowl.
Rich Tatum: When she finds a "stray" sock she carries it like a kitten all around the house, meowling so piteously it breaks our hearts.
Rich Tatum: I guess she just wanted to be a mamma.
Rich Tatum: Sometimes she drops the sock in the food bowl. I guess she figured the socks were hungry that day.

Kathi: I had a cat once who loved to be spun around by the tail really fast, then let go of so she'd crash into a wall. She'd come right back to do it again.

Kathi: Ohhhh that's sweet ….

Rich Tatum: No that's weird.

Kathi: <grin>

Rich Tatum: I love to bring home the laser pointer.
Rich Tatum: It's about the only time the cats get exercise.
Rich Tatum: :-)

Kathi: we had great fun with one of those … but not so much with the cats. The DOG thinks he's a cat. He sleeps in kitchen chairs, chases toys, rolls in catnip, and occasionally uses the litter box.

Kathi: And right now, he's sprawled over the back of the couch, trying to stick his head through the window, barking at a dog he sees up the street. <sigh>

Rich Tatum: What's the unix command for DEL?

Kathi: Um. If you'd asked me about 5 years ago, I could have told you.

Rich Tatum: rm.
Rich Tatum: I got it.

Kathi: Amazing what gets forgotten through disuse.

Rich Tatum: Amazing what gets disused through forgetfulness.
Rich Tatum: Use it or lose it.

Kathi: yep … is a good reminder not to let the Bible get dusty, too …. <g>

Kathi: That's one thing that consistently amazes me. I can read a section of the Bible one day, and then read the same section a couple weeks later, and get even more out of it.

Rich Tatum: All great literature is like that … and we have God to thank for the greatness of the Word!
Rich Tatum: Fortunately you and I are literate.

Kathi: I thank God every day for that.

Rich Tatum: The majority of Americans, however, are pre-literate. Or semi-literate.
Rich Tatum: And, golly, how they mangle what they read.

Kathi: I know. I'm related to some of them. :::sigh:::

Rich Tatum: :-)

Kathi: I gotta go … Katie's science project is due tomorrow and she needs help finishing it!

Rich Tatum: Later.
Rich Tatum: Hope I helped.

Kathi: Thank you. You did. Talking with you usually brings me great insights, and today was no exception.
Will you pray for me? :-)

Rich Tatum: :-)
Rich Tatum: I will.
Rich Tatum: I will pray.

Kathi: thank you!!

Rich Tatum: :-)

Kathi: I'm out of here … {{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}

Jalyssia signed off at 3:18:17 PM.

The Sharpe Logs: email and chat transcripts with Kathi Sharpe, ex-Wiccan
© 2001 by Richard A. Tatum Email
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