The Sharpe Logs

From: Rich Tatum [rich]
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 2:27 PM
To: Sharpe, Kathi (AOL)
Cc: Sharpe, Kathi (NET)
Subject: RE: letter from one of my friends …

Wow, excellent! Thanks for sharing this — it's good to see God working through you.

Jennifer, my wife, reminded me last night of some of my comments that day we first IMd. I had forgotten (already—I know—bad memory) some of what I told her about that day. Now I remember.

When I was clearing out my Lyris folder and came across your email, I thought about replying (initially) but I didn't have the time. So, I "flagged it" for later action — which was surprising to me because that was not a feature I ever used in Outlook. Later, when I had finished clearing out my Lyris Discussion folder, I noticed the flagged email, opened it, and thought about replying but, again, I was too busy. Besides, it was almost 4:00 pm and I had other things to do right about then. Then, I closed Outlook, and started to do something else when I remembered that I'd forgotten something, and I opened my mail again — only to stare at my inbox, thinking "What was that …. .?" There was new unread mail in the Lyris Discussion folder, so I checked it, and saw your email with it's flag and thought, "Not now, I'll reply later, when I have time." But, I felt guilty — especially when I saw that you'd posted your question over a month previous and still hadn't gotten a good answer!

So, in the final analyses, while I didn't know God was behind all this, there certainly was something unusual going on. I guess in the last week, I'd already forgotten about that!

Thought you'd like to know … !


The Sharpe Logs: email and chat transcripts with Kathi Sharpe, ex-Wiccan
© 2001 by Richard A. Tatum Email
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