From: Kathi Sharpe [Kathi]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 8:28 AM
To: Rich Tatum [rich.tatum (at) tatumweb (dot) com]
Cc: rich
Subject:letter from one of my friends …
Thought I'd share one of the emails I've gotten from my friends … most of which are more positive than I had expected. :)
When I first got this e-mail I was tempted to delete it as "unread". I thought it was another piece of spam sent by the religious right. Then I put your e-mail together with your board posting, which I almost overlooked, and got a reply to my "What the F?" e-mail I sent Sue (Weaver). I just finished reading your letter from start to finish and am glad I did not delete it. I shed tears of joy for you. (Not all pagans are hard liners <g>).
I had no idea you had hearing problems. I guess that is what surprised me most. The fact that you found a faith that gives you peace does not surprise me. I am glad for you. I think we all need to find something that "fits", something that is right. Perhaps paganism was a path you had to take to get where you truly wanted to be.
Will you stay with AOL, perhaps working in one of the christian forums? How about visiting our Interfaith chat on Friday night and being a guest speaker?
Please stay in touch and write me often. I'm gonna be a grandmom in December and could use some hand-patting and words like "You're too young to be a grandmother".
With love and the Brightest of Blessings,
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The Sharpe Logs: email and chat transcripts with Kathi Sharpe, ex-Wiccan
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