Last year, on October 3, I did a live interview with John Hall and Stephanie Fraschetti from Word-FM about the “Jesus Camp” documentary that was then the height of Evangelical fear-mongering (start here if you don’t know what I’m talking about: “Jesus Camp: Brainwashed in the Blood — or Is it Spin?“). At least that was before the Ted Haggard fracas blew up.
Not long before this interview took place, I had also been interviewed by MSNBC for its program, “The Most.” (If you’re interested, see “Jesus Camp and BlogRodent on MSNBC.”). It was interesting experiencing these two interview formats back-to-back. I enjoyed being on “The Most” as a floating-head talker, but I really enjoyed chatting with John and Stephanie for their afternoon show.
Like many talk-show hosts and afternoon drive entertainers, John and Stephanie have an energetic rapport that they effortlessly extend to their guests. It was clear from my time on the phone with them that both John and Stephanie had actually read-up on their subject matter before speaking with me, and they’d even gone so far as to actually wade through my lengthy treatise on the matter. Their questions and asides were intelligent, on target, and designed to let me shine.

- Trailer reaction…
- Brainwashed in the Blood? (for CT Movies)
- Brainwashed … (full length)
- One edit away from propaganda?
- Min.Today guest post
- Guest on MSNBC
- Guest on WORD-FM
Friends at work who heard me give the interview were nicely complimentary afterward. Of course, none of them could hear the program live, so, they had no idea what was being said between my pauses, but I am now here to rectify that for one, and all. And that includes you.
John Hall has gone the extra mile to graciously send me a CD copy of the bulk of my interview. I’m including it here as a downloadable podcast and playable audio file so that you can enjoy my ums and ahs in all their monaural splendor. At the very least, I can say that I only stuck my foot in my mouth two or three times.
As usual, there are things I wish I’d said and things I wish I hadn’t — or at least wish I’d clarified better. For example, I make it sound like all Methodists are liberals and not “born again.” Not true. So, not true. So, before I get hate mail, please understand: that is not what I meant to imply.
Enjoy. And if you have any comments, please leave them. I’d like to know what you thought of the interview and its subject matter.
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[tags]Air America, Baptism in the Spirit, Becky Fischer, BlogRodent, brainwashing, charismania, charismatic, Christianity, Christianity Today, Devils Lake, documentary, Evangelical, Evangelicalism, Evangelicals, film review, Heidi Ewing, Hollywood, indoctrination, interview, Jesus Camp, Jesus Camp review, John Hall, kids camp, Lakewood Park Bible Camp, liberalism, Magnolia Pictures, Mike Papantonio, movie, movie review, Pentecost, Pentecostal, Pentecostalism, Pittsburgh, Rachel Grady, radio interview, rage and rants, religion, religious radio, Stephanie Fraschetti, summer camp, tongues, Word of Faith, Word-FM[/tags]
Great Blog!!
I’ve posted on this camp at
The young giving worship to God should have never been recorded for something as low as a documetary.
Thanks so much for letting us hear the excerpt from Guest on Word-FM. Jesus Camp is in at Blockbusters, but I have had no desire to see it. Your interview was so to the point, that I feel I made a good decision to leave it alone.
I am an Anglican Priest and a Psychologist and on my blog, I am talking out loud to myself, explaining people’s problem with the Spirit Filled experience.
They are missing so much.
“Southern Baptist Can’t Pray in Tongues…“
Hello John Hall,
Peace of the LORD be with you in Jesus name. God bless you and your family. From Pastor David Adejo