Da Vinci Code Conversations

Da Vinci Code Conversations

I haven’t been blogging much of late because nearly every waking hour for the past three weeks has been focused on the imminent launch of the latest online training course I’ve been tinkering with (no—more like beating myself senseless against) at work.

I’m responsible for selecting and preparing content for one of ChristianityToday.com’s websites: CTCourses.com (short for ChristianityTodayCourses.com, natch). So far, since our launch in early January, 2006, we’ve managed to push two courses out the door, one on how to host small groups, featuring Brett Eastman, and another free course on managing email overload, featuring Kevin Miller (my supervisor at CT, freshly ordained Anglican priest, and also author of a book on managing information overload).

Da Vinci Code ConversationsTomorrow, if all goes well, we’ll be launching the third course, and we hope it’ll be a big draw and a big benefit to site visitors. We’re launching “Da Vinci Code Conversations,” dealing with the controversy over Dan Brown’s book, of course, The Da Vinci Code. It’s a 50+ minute online course, covered in seven sessions, replete with streaming video, an online note-taking tool, synchronized PowerPoint slides, downloadable extras, an online quiz, a message board, and more, more, more.

So, am I flogging my day job here in my personal blogspace? You betcha. I think the online course interface we’ve designed is the best currently in business. (Unfortunately, it’s also Internet Explorer only.) We’ve gotten rave reviews from users who’ve caught on, and we really hope the course interface benefits the body by providing online training and education in a format that’s easy to use and convenient for today’s crazy schedules. Like mine.

So, if you’re interested, and if you are looking for a good hour-long overview of the core controversies presented by Dan Brown’s mega-blockbuster, and if you want to prep yourself for after-dinner conversation when you’ve watched the film, head on over to my other site (CTCourses) and check it out. If you don’t see a link to the newest course right away, wait another day and try again. Or just sign up for the newsletter and free membership to be notified when things are live. (Membership is free, most courses are paid.)


[tags]BlogRodent, Pentecostal, Da-Vinci-Code, Da-Vinci, Da-Vinci-Conversations, CTCourses, online-training, streaming-media, christian-training, online-learning, Christianity-Today, training, Evangelical, apologetics, Bible, Dan-Brown[/tags]

One thought on “Da Vinci Code Conversations

  1. Common Swift

    Da Vinci Code,Judas Gospel,Jesus walking on ice……
    Is it me or is this stuff growing on trees?

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