Okay, after laboriously setting up a feed reader for myself so I can finally stay on top of all the feeds referenced in my PneumaBlogs and CTI-Blogs pages, I was also able to set up a couple pages here on BlogRodent to help you (and me) easily see what the latest posts are from these little slices of the blogosphere.
So, for your delectation, enjoyment, and frivolous wasting of time, I present to you:
PneumaBlogs Headlines (and excerpts)
CTI-Blogs Headlines (and excerpts)
Enjoy! Come back to see me some time.
(Note, if you’re a PneumaBlogger or a CTI-Blogger and your posts are not showing up on this page, it’s probably because your feed is broken, or it was impossible to find it. Contact me if you want to get added.)
[tags]BlogRodent, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical, Christian, religion, feeds, Christianity-Today, headlines, rss, OPML, PneumaBlogs, CTI-Blogs, latest-news[/tags]
Rich, You are the smooth daddy. Nice. Very nice. Wrote a little note about this over at my joint.
Travis, you’re a linksl– uh…. um… linkzealot? You’re just cracking on me because you want yet another link to your site where you iconoclastically and brilliantly engage in incisive, Spirit-led commentary on politics, sports, reality-TV, and more–all of it punctuated by photos and stories of your endearing and charming children.
Feel better? Can I tell the guards to stand down from guarding my 255,000-mile Toyota? I can’t afford new tires, so your tire-flattening threat is really hitting me where it hurts!
I have a soft spot for quarter million mile Toyotas. I’ve had two quarter million hondas…neither dying natural deaths. One became an old gray mare and I pawned him off on some poor college student like I had recently been at the time. The other raged into the night. His demise at the hands of a cluster of tall oaks.
Standing down. Carry on. And, thanks for indulging my insatiable thirst for more linkage! By the way, I’m heading over to NewsGator.
Very good. I’ve sent the Pinkerton boys home. They were a hungry lot to feed.