My 15 minutes of limited fame…

My 15 minutes of limited fame…

I’m popular on the Web! Well, maybe I’m just popular on Garrick Van Buren’s website. Or, maybe I’m just popular on one podcast on one podcaster’s show coming out of a small home in Minnesota that is redolent of freshly roasted coffee.

I had the pleasure of spending over an hour on Skype with Garrick of the “First Crack Podcast,” talking about his show, podcasting, the Internet, and more. It was a great conversation, and I’m looking forward to listening to his half-hour condensation our our hour-plus conversation.

I just had to say that now, before listening to the show, because I really enjoyed the conversation, and didn’t want to sully my good feelings with that sense of “Aargh! He left out the best part!” <grin> Garrick’s a good guy, and he has an interesting show, in my opinion. I frequently enjoy the quirky guests he interviews, and the perspective on Minnesota “big city” culture that I never really knew existed.

Catch Garrick’s show notes here: First Crack #65 — First Crack Turns One Through Rich Tatum’s Ears. You can listen from Garrick’s mp3 file, or listen here:

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UPDATE: After listening to the show I’m impressed with Garrick’s masterful editing of the program, and I come off sounding okay, if a bit over-enthusiastic about my own ideas. Garrick was a good man to take a chance interviewing a crackpot Pentecostal for his show’s anniversary, I hope I don’t do him any damage! — Rich.

[tags]BlogRodent, First-Crack, Garrick-Van-Buren, podcast, podcasts, interview, Internet, community, church, MP3[/tags]

One thought on “My 15 minutes of limited fame…

  1. Jim Keys Post author


    I listened to the podcast while driving the hour and a half to the airport today and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m having trouble subscribing either on I-tunes or Garrick’s website. I imagine whatever the problem is, it will soon be fixed. I just downloaded the .mp3 and put it on my Pocket PC. Anyway… it was great, and I especially like the analogy of the lack of bandwith inhibiting the fullness of Christian community through electronic media.


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