Honeymoon lighthouse illusion

Honeymoon lighthouse illusion

I thought I’d just post something fun, today. For me, anyhow. Photos!

Jennifer and I visited Seattle, Washington, to enjoy our honeymoon eight years ago. We fell in love with the Pacific Northwest. I think we’d move there in a heartbeat if there was a job offer. At least, that’s what we used to say before we had kids. Now, however, moving away from Gramma and Grampa would be a tough decision.

As is required on all seaside vacations, I took the requisite scenic postcard shots. There was your sunset over water picture, your commonplace urban objects like drinking fountains and lamp posts, a few varieties of graying beachwood, and a “would-you-take-this-picture-of-us” tourist shot.

But what trip to Elliot Bay would be complete without a lighthouse photo?


[tags]BlogRodent, photography, honeymoon, seattle, washington, illusion, photos, black-and-white, art, landscape, black-and-white[/tags]

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