Hirsute pentepomollectual bloggers

Hirsute pentepomollectual bloggers

Okay, I checked out all the blogs on my current list to see just how far-reaching my speculation went, regarding pentepomollectual (Pentecostal, postmodern, intellectuals) bloggers and their facial hair.

Here’s the proof:

Note: I searched vainly to find a lady blogger sporting chinhairs (you know you’re out there!), but, alas, web photo galleries just don’t have the resolution we need for that project.

2 thoughts on “Hirsute pentepomollectual bloggers

  1. Oengus Moonbones

    I am still debating about posting a jpeg of my ugly on Lunar Skeletons. Suffice it to say that I am looking more and more like this .

    As for being “post-modern”, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that I am reading one of Dan Kimball’s books is enough excuse, for some people at least, to push me into that category. But I think that working with computers, as much as I do, is likely to turn me into a raging Luddite.

    I wish you well.

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