Happy New Year

Happy New Year

keys to the new year!

I couldn’t let the day end without wishing all of you a happy new year! Welcome to 2008!

I am safely tucked away in Michigan right now. My family secure and housing provided. Work has already begun to find work.

It’s going to be a good year. I’ll keep you updated.


[tags]2007, 2008, BlogRodent, happy-new-year, new-year, update, welcome[/tags]

4 thoughts on “Happy New Year

  1. Don Murphy

    Hi Rich,

    Haven’t had contact with you for a couple years, since we got into discussions on the AOGdialog forum.

    So you’re going to AOG seminary now? If you become an AOG minister do you plan to do the last part of the Great Commission?

    We been attending an AOG church since October 2005, shortly after we left the AOGDialog forum. We’re a bit of a challenge to the pastor there.

    If you respond, please do by email.


  2. Don Kamm er

    Rich: At such times, we have got to believe that although His purposes may not be clear, we have comfort in the sure knowledge that providence is in His hands, that he protects and leads. I would never say what I am thinking, but people of character and sincere heart, are valuable to the living God, who often performs decisive intervention into our own planning cycle, because He has our safety, welfare, family and innocence in mind. God bless you my brother, you will only look back on this job “abortion” with joy.

  3. don Kammer


    Not much to say about this circumstance, is there? I wouldn’t waste the effort. All I would say is that in the long run you may have been protected. Sometimes God aborts the well laid intentions and dreams of His servants, for a protective purpose. He knows the future. We do not. His providence, his plan, his care is particularily directed at those whose hearts are pure. I could say more, but won’t, because it would not be appropriate in such a forum. The bottom line is that in a year or two, you will be thanking God for the unforseen abortion of your employment status. May God provide for your needs. Keep marching on! Keep blogging my brother….

  4. Rich Post author

    The two Dons! Thanks, both of you, for stopping by and taking the time to encourage me. I read your posts and was encouraged by them even though I didn’t have the energy to respond to them (or all the other kind things folks have sent my way.

    Just so you know, I am now happily and gainfully employed and just completed my first full week of head-spinning employment at Zondervan in Grand Rapids, Michigan. See my post “Rich T. at the Big Z!

    Thanks, again, for your encouragement.


    PS: @Don Murphy: I’m not at the A/G Seminary now. I studied there back in the mid-90’s, earning about 22 hours toward an MA in Theological Studies. If I ever do pastor, I will teach the last part of the Great Commission. Though I’m sure not to your complete satisfaction!

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